Author: Jeremy Sheridan
3 Top Tips For Becoming More Assertive
How easy do you find it to complain? (Three quick steps to becoming assertive.) Complaining, it seems, is something the British are not very good at. We will often stoically put up with poor service and shoddy goods rather than make a fuss. Assertive over a moan every time. Why should this be so? My suspicions…
How To Stay Motivated
Find your motivation and become your best self ever Most people will tell you that they want to do their best and become their best self ever. But it requires quite a lot of motivation to become your best self ever as it usually does not tend to happen by accident. When you develop a…
The Best Self Help Books For Business
I’ve read my fair share of self help books, it has to be said. The problem is, they’re all much of a muchness. There’s nothing that shouts ‘I’m different, read me!’ What Makes Pocket Manager Books Different Well to start with, I love the size of this fantastic set of self-help books. I keep them…